Thursday, October 22, 2009

Could we be like Cuba (in terms of oil...)

The Power of Community video interprets a great understanding on how important it is for a community to work together in order to survive through peak oil. The sound of peak oil sounds like a horrifying tragic event. However, there are possible options which may allow us to survive through the “peak oil tragedy”. The strategies used in Cuba show us how people may be capable of applying specific methods in order to reduce depletion. Cuba, just like the United States has used more urbanized farming methods which typically promote depletion. However, instead the Cubans changed to using other methods such as local and urban gardens. It almost seems like this is a backwards process. However, it may be what is necessary to survive the peak oil crisis. Overall, Cuba slowly used less energy in their society with the HELP of their community (unlike in the United States).

Another issue touched upon is the transportation. As we know most sources of transportation need a lot of energy in order to be maintained-but this energy is not always available. Could there be a possible way to transport ourselves and our goods without using “precious” energy that we need for other things? Cubans decided to use bicycles in order to sustain a lower energy society. Cuba began to deal with a lack of energy which lead to no gas available for car usage. How did this all happen? GOVERNMENT HELPED. Perhaps it is important that we as a part of the community along with the government need to put our thoughts together and realize how “small” adjustments can change a lot quickly. As seen the Heinbergs “Party’s Over”, non-petroleum sources will take a long time to adjust to. It will take a long time to transfer our energy sources to different variables. Also, the amount of energy will greatly vary and the expenditure and consumption will not equal to what we are accustomed to. The government helped Cuba. They broke up the state farms into smaller local farms. This allows the distance of transportation to be minimal. If smaller farms begin to emerge, a former farming method will arise again- HUMAN POWER. Human power has always been useful in agriculture. Perhaps it does not expend as much product, as quickly. But, it does use a lot of energy sources that we do not have available to us at this point in time (or if we ever will recover?).

The government also helped to create various forms of fertilizer which were organic and eliminated the need for nitrogen fertilizer and pesticides by using new organic methods. This organic material will put great efforts into “re-mineralizing” the soils through the use of organic waste. Clearly, Cuba survived and it is possible for many other countries to survive. But the question which comes to mind is that does land population affect how quickly we will be able to adjust to a change like Cuba experienced? Was Cuba able to succeed because they have less Greenland? The United States has gone up and down with the concept of the government dealing with issues of society, however- perhaps it is time for the government to fully intervene with the question of life and death (caused by oil).

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