Sunday, October 11, 2009

Thinking Our Way Out of Destuction

We are a very interesting species wouldn't you agree? While many different species of all kingdoms phylums and classes we appear to be on the top of the food chain. Why do you think that is? In my opinion it is our problem solving ability that has let us to span the globe, build civilization, and create technologies other species are incapable of doing. Our over ambitions have been a downfall for our species and has led us to the brink of destruction. Because of our need to expand and grow we have leveled forests, plundered the Earth for resources that it couldn't repleanish, and toxified the planet.. it is dying... because of us.
We have made many mistakes as a species and have caused more damage to our egosystem than any other organism its come across. If we have been able to do so much damage with our ambitions then why can't we be able to reverse it? We are great problem solvers, why can't we solve climate change? Why can't we detoxify the Earth? With the right motivation I believe we, the human race, can accomplish anything.
Take the sixteen year old highschool student Daniel Burd for example. Daniel was able to breed microorganisms that can rapidly degrade plastic material. Through determination and intelegent thinking Daniel has made a breakthrough in environmentally friendly ways to detoxify our planet. I think that with perseverance and our thinking power there is nothing that we can't accomplish.


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