Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cuba During Peak Oil

The video that we watched in class showed how Cuba worked together during a peak oil crisis. They were worked as a community helping one another through this crisis. They began to lose weight up to about 95 lbs. Cuba was also having blackouts for 14-16 hours a day. It became very difficult for them that meant no access to air conditioners, fans, no elevators they had to use the stairs, they had to wait for buses for 3-4 hours a day to get to work. Even when they arrived at work there was really nothin gto do because there was no electricity. Doctors rode bikes to work. No technology but the human relationships were strong. They began to farm Even with agriculture it took about 3-5 years for soil to become fertile again. People found different ways to get money. Communities would go to one place where the majority of the neighborhood would be fed. The Cuba oil crisis was very difficult but Cuba worked together as a community and family like to stay strong. I thought what Cuba did was amazing and how they all came together to help one another was great. The United States would not be able to handle an oil peak crisis we are way too large it would definitely be harder here. Cuba is much smaller and condense. If America was to ever experience something like this it would not go the same way. With blackouts alone we cannot handle that. I really liked the way Cuba went about things it was truly a great video to watch.

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