Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Evolution When is enough enough??

Chapter 3 in the cartoon guide talks about evolution and how all live on the planet has evolved. It mentions Selective Advantage which are organisms that are better at getting food, withstanding heat, cold and reproduce at a high success rate and so on. So its save to say that humans have been fortunate to be the most selectively advanced species on the planet. As we know humans have evolved greatly over the many years of our species existance. As we seen in the Smil readings how the discovery of nitrogen and its importance to live and humans ability to grow food. So as humans evolve they keep exploring the world they live in and start unlocking some of the keys to all its mysteries.
So back to Nitrogen. Many years ago this element was found to be important in agriculture and how over time more and more has been learned and discovered about it. So now humans figure out how it can help grow more food. Great but that somehow translated into lets reproduce more causing steady rise in population ever since. I truely can figure out the corrilation between the two but it is what it is. I think it had something to do with when the world was agriculture based and when they learned how to grow more they could feed more people thus by having more kids they would have more help to work the land. Not a smart concept to me but thats an entire different matter in itself we can save for another day.
So let me jump way a head to today. In our world today we as humans are so evolved in every way possible that we are destroying the planet. My question is when is it ever going to be enough? I say never, simply because ever since the birth of a merchant economy in the 17th century and then on to Capitalism human greed for money, power and what ever else you want to add to that drives us to continue to evolve. The technologies we have today wether its in communication, transportation, education, business, agriculture, housing, energy extraction and on and on and on. All these things are so far advanced that many of our grandparents let alone great grandparents couldn't of imagined. But they are today's realities.
Where I am going with all has been a long road to a short statement: humans will continue to evolve with the same recklessness, like we have done for years and years. Consuming mass amounts of energy, over developoing the earths land and over using its resources. Why because as we have evolved in many good ways the bad in human nature has evolved and grown to epic porportions. Today we keep cars for 3 years and after that they are old, no good same with computers, appliances, electronic etc. Its alway I want more and new and fast. Humans live for the here and now, and to satisfy there self fullfilling needs of the moment that tend to never be able to be full filled anyway. Leaving them in search for more more more.
Maybe its time we all just take a step back and say what we have and how advanced we have become is good enough for now. Maybe we can give the planet a chance to catch its breath!! If we just settle where we are now for a while.

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