Monday, September 28, 2009
Fire: Mankinds Source of Energy and Natures Enemy
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Oil and other resources
Fear of the unknown: people have done this throughout history. The time has come to take hold of out fears.
Maybe if all fear goes away, smart people could think up new ways of getting energy with/out the usage of oil. Better ideas, calls of action, and leaders informing the public, will help to solve this current problem.
Peak Oil: People ignore it and use it up. What does the future hold if we do nothing now?
What do we plan for during our lives? We plan for school, tests, car payments, rent, weddings, children, house payments, funeral arrangements, etc. Why are we not planning for the oil conclusion. I will tell you. People do not think this is a problem. People think that life will not change that dramatically, if and when the oil runs out, because the government will “save” us. The government will figure out some way to let us keep living the way we have been for decades. Many people think this is all a hoist, that there is no such thing as “running out of oil”. But that people are trying to make a quick buck by “going green”, and using this concept to their fullest advantage.
I think there needs to be clips of what’s happening with the oil peak and dissipation during movie previews, on TV for commercials, maybe even brought into TV shows, to make people aware about the seriousness of this problem.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Our Knowledge of Oil
In class this week we spoke about oil during our discussion and how important it is to us. We use oil for many different things in our everyday life. Many people take it for granted and I will be one to admit that I really do not think about what will happen if we ran out of oil. I am never really worried but after the discussions in class it has me feeling like I should be. Peak oil is the point in time where the maximum rate of global petroleum extraction is reached. I do not think the government makes us aware of how much oil we use or even give us an insight on how our lives might be without it so that we can care more about it. Until I came into this class I did not know how important oil was and its rather scary how our lives would be without it. Our economy relies on oil. So the government should tell and educate people on what could and supposedly would happen to us in the near future. In the Party’ Over it made me wonder are we really killing ourselves by using so much oil. It something that everyone needs to know. I feel like we shouldn’t be worried because it would have been brought to our attention a lot more. I am not really worried but after the reading and discussion in class I feel like I should be.
Friday, September 25, 2009
OIL, OIL, OIL!!! What will it take??
The image on Richard Heinberg's cover to The Party's Over makes a bold and compelling statement. Are we really ultimately killing ourselves and our population with our immense use of oil?
- Brown-Plan B 3.0
- Heinberg-The Party's Over
Who is telling the truth? How are we to determine this?
Personally I am not to sure if I believe all that we have been exposed to in the class. I do feel that the need to conserve and protect our resources and environment. But I do feel that some of the warnings are a bit much. Will oil ever run dry? Yes I am sure at some point, however I really don't feel I will see it in my life time. I feel this way because I believe that if we have meet peak oil in many places and are within a few years of peak oil in other places a larger scale sense of urgency would exists world wide not just in some pockets of the US.
I think our nation has all the resources to come up with an alternative fuel source but, we are holding back. Why? Well $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ may have something to do with it. Oil is the"cash crop" of the new world. I feel the extraction, production of both oil and new alternate technologies is such a money maker that they are being exploited for profit and the negative effects are not thought of as great enough to change the way things are.
Lastly I feel this going "green" concept started with good intentions but now it is being exploited. Think about it if you have a product or service that is considered not environmentally good like gas companies, slap a "going green" label on it and people will still buy. Also its now used as a tool and ploy in politics.
I really feel its hard for the average "Joe" to determining whats for real and whats just garbage in and garbage out. Opinions and facts get intermingled as emotions run high on this subject. Many who feel strongly have trouble remaining objective, while those look to gain greatly financially also have reason to alter facts to insure there potential $$$$$$$$$.
Who knows for sure not me I guess that's part of the problem in its self.
Do we really care, or do we just say we do?

Throughout the Bush Administration, control of the Middle East oil production had been a consistent project. With constant struggle in oil extraction, it seems as if the price of extracting has increased. However, this may not be the case. The prices of barrels have increased, the amount of oil taken has increased, but do we really understand why? Is it because we demand more oil, for more necessities? But, if the prices keep rising-are we really demanding at this incredibly high price? The most fascinating fact is that our previous president himself was a former oil industry executive. Shouldn’t we have had some hope in him- he SHOULD have held some basic knowledge of the path that should be taken, considering the previous leader of our nation had “proper knowledge?”
If you consider Hubbert’s peak vision- it could make sense in many possible ways. However, the way our society runs today it is merely impossible to even predict an estimate time of “peak” arrival. ’s peak vision- it could make sense in many possible ways. However, the way our society runs today it is merely impossible to even predict an estimate time of “peak” arrival. There are too many unexpected events that can occur that will skew the “curve”. Events such as wars, recessions and many others too name will diminish the idea of an estimate. Also, it needs to be recognized that within the past thirty years, the amount of energy recovered compared to the amount of energy expended has changed dramatically. This should be purely expected. Our advances in technology could potentially better this situation or even stimulate failure. Many forms of extraction technology are not able to properly extract the oil.
There needs to be a tool, which can properly extract the oil in a way where it is completed efficiently. In the place that we stand today, we need to make sure that we are expending energy the proper way. If oil is extracted inefficiently, we will end up using more energy in the future (energy which we do not have to spare).Everyday people who are not involved in the idea of energy do not take the subject as serious as they should. Many are not considering many gas stations are closing down- companies are integrating. Every gas station we pass, we seem to drive even further just to look for a minimum decrease in price. The price seems to matter to all of us, however is the idea of energy crossing peoples mind? We need to be able to adapt a proper way to plan for the future.
We always read articles about the past and the present. We blame events that occurred in the past on government. It would be more beneficial if we concentrated of what is going on today, and to worry about how to fix the present in order to have a future. Imagine waking up and walking to your car to go to work or school and actually thinking about when the peak of oil will come. Most of us will not consider this before we fill up our tanks daily or weekly- it is just out of our comfort zone considering most Americans today have a lot available to them (of course, because international countries provide these resources for us. What is going to happen, if we continue to consume as much as we do and stop caring about proper extraction technology? We are all scared to take a risk for change because we do not know what the outcome will be. However, at this point- we have reached such a low that it may not even matter what the outcome will be. We have to take chances in order to better our society.
Instead of saying that we care about bettering out society and pretending that we “care”- we actually need to care.
- Partys Over
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Mercury...NOT the planet.
In our world today, the obesity epidemic is easily observable to any person walking around on the streets. Due to fast food, and unhealthy eating habits,
I believe that there are many facts that the consumers of the fish that is distributed around our country, and around the world are unaware of. If you watch the news, you may hear stories that high mercury levels is fish are harmful to people and we should not consume large quantities of the fish due to this. However, in my opinion, the media does not give necessary reasons or guidelines of how much mercury and toxins and in the fish, and how much consumption will cause negative health risks. I believe that the government is understating the health issues behind the consumption of large quantities of fish. I believe that they are just letting us know that mercury is harmful to people, but not warn us to a sufficient level, due to the amount of business that fish brings to people all around the world and our economy. They may be doing this, so the government cannot have charges pressed on them when the harmfulness of the consumption of fish becomes more prevalent. When health issues become more serious, the media can just tell us “I told you so.” Fish is expensive, especially exquisite sushi restaurants in which we pay high prices to eat our delicate and “healthy” food. Since fish is so expensive, for the most parts, I believe greater safety precautions should be practiced, no matter what the cost, because the health of a large portion of our world is greater than a few minor economic issues.
Our government is sending the mothers of our country mixed signals. The news is telling our pregnant women that consumption of fish during pregnancy is healthy and good for the development of the embryo. However, scientists are telling us that high levels of mercury should be avoided, and if they are not, then this may result in malfunctions of poor development of the embryo. The back of a can of tuna fish does not tell you the level of mercury in the fish that you are eating, so mothers are faced with a predicament. Should they eat fish to better their child, or avoid fish due to the fact that it may harm their child? Although mothers others are filled with mixed signals from the media, the consumption of fish is not the only “grey area.” The media also gives parents all sorts of different advice regarding breast milk, and whether “formula” for their infants is better than breast feeding. The government needs to keep on top making the people aware of the safety regarding our consumption of food, and rely less on how their decisions will affect the economy.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Is Oil like Water to People?
This question of needing oil to survive arises throughout the movie, "The End of Suburbia". People have become very dependent upon oil; what it does for us, ways we can use it, and all the other positives. What people do not think about is what it is doing to our earth, atmosphere, and civilization as a whole, as we have been using it all up over the years. We are becoming lazy because of oil. Instead of walking to get places or riding a bicycle, we hop in our cars, trucks, or hummers and drive down the block. People don't even think about it now. Forget about how much better it would be for our bodies, but think about the earth and all the pollution that we wouldn't be contributing by doing this.
Oil is used for making fuel to run everyday machines, such as automobiles, factories, etc. We as a whole have become so dependent on oil that if it were to run out, as it soon enough will, then our lives would be much different. This thought actually gives me anxiety; chest pain even. How would we get anywhere, what would happen to life as we know it today, why have we let this happen to earth?
So in a way yes, we have grown into an era that is now dependent on fuel the way people are dependent on water to live. No, we wouldn't die without fuel, but life would become much different and many changes would need to occur in the way that we live our lives.
Before starting this semester or entering the lecture hall in which we learned about this disgraceful subject of people taking advantage of our fossil fuel, I had no idea this was even a problem. I always thought life would be the same for our lifetime. We wouldn't run out of things we use everyday, such as oil, and other fossil fuels. Now I'm ashamed of what people have been doing over the years. I'm also scarred for what the future holds in store for us as we grow older. Our fuel needs to be treated as if it were going extinct, because it is. This subject needs to be made known to the public, on the news, in papers, and magazines, etc. Everyone needs to know about this!
Friday, September 18, 2009
The gaining of knowledge
The Earth’s human population continues to grow every second of every day. This exponential growth explosion has largely been facilitated through the extraction and refinement of fossil fuels. An interesting fact in Heinberg’s, The Party’s Over, stated that 2 to 5 billion people would not be able to sustain life without the use of fossil fuels and oil products (i.e. synthetic fertilizer). Basically, the extraction of this resource has sky-rocketed our expansion beyond any previous “carrying capacity” limits. This is a staggering realization as to how much our daily lives and societies rely on an ever-diminishing resource.
As we continue to consume this resource (or any resource for that matter) faster than it is replenished, we face an inevitable conclusion: One day there will not be any left. We have seen this mathematical equation played out many times and also discovered that it was the underlying reason for the collapse of
If we choose to accept this as our fate then we mustn’t stray far from the path we are already on. The problems we are faced with are complex, sometimes so complex that we try not to even think about them. However, every day that we do confront these problems and ask questions, our chances of survival increase. These problems that we face today will not just effect our generation but also many generations to come.
A world-wide understanding of this unsustainable, down-ward spiral we are all involved in could only be a good thing. It will help us to realize that we are all interconnected; that we the people along with the animals, plants, rivers and oceans are part of this vibrant ecosystem on Earth.