Friday, September 25, 2009

Do we really care, or do we just say we do?

Throughout the Bush Administration, control of the Middle East oil production had been a consistent project. With constant struggle in oil extraction, it seems as if the price of extracting has increased. However, this may not be the case. The prices of barrels have increased, the amount of oil taken has increased, but do we really understand why? Is it because we demand more oil, for more necessities? But, if the prices keep rising-are we really demanding at this incredibly high price? The most fascinating fact is that our previous president himself was a former oil industry executive. Shouldn’t we have had some hope in him- he SHOULD have held some basic knowledge of the path that should be taken, considering the previous leader of our nation had “proper knowledge?”

If you consider Hubbert’s peak vision- it could make sense in many possible ways. However, the way our society runs today it is merely impossible to even predict an estimate time of “peak” arrival. ’s peak vision- it could make sense in many possible ways. However, the way our society runs today it is merely impossible to even predict an estimate time of “peak” arrival. There are too many unexpected events that can occur that will skew the “curve”. Events such as wars, recessions and many others too name will diminish the idea of an estimate. Also, it needs to be recognized that within the past thirty years, the amount of energy recovered compared to the amount of energy expended has changed dramatically. This should be purely expected. Our advances in technology could potentially better this situation or even stimulate failure. Many forms of extraction technology are not able to properly extract the oil.

There needs to be a tool, which can properly extract the oil in a way where it is completed efficiently. In the place that we stand today, we need to make sure that we are expending energy the proper way. If oil is extracted inefficiently, we will end up using more energy in the future (energy which we do not have to spare).Everyday people who are not involved in the idea of energy do not take the subject as serious as they should. Many are not considering many gas stations are closing down- companies are integrating. Every gas station we pass, we seem to drive even further just to look for a minimum decrease in price. The price seems to matter to all of us, however is the idea of energy crossing peoples mind? We need to be able to adapt a proper way to plan for the future.

We always read articles about the past and the present. We blame events that occurred in the past on government. It would be more beneficial if we concentrated of what is going on today, and to worry about how to fix the present in order to have a future. Imagine waking up and walking to your car to go to work or school and actually thinking about when the peak of oil will come. Most of us will not consider this before we fill up our tanks daily or weekly- it is just out of our comfort zone considering most Americans today have a lot available to them (of course, because international countries provide these resources for us. What is going to happen, if we continue to consume as much as we do and stop caring about proper extraction technology? We are all scared to take a risk for change because we do not know what the outcome will be. However, at this point- we have reached such a low that it may not even matter what the outcome will be. We have to take chances in order to better our society.

Instead of saying that we care about bettering out society and pretending that we “care”- we actually need to care.

  • Partys Over

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