Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Who is really to blame?

America today is praised by it's citizens for its ability to obtain anything and basically everything at the drop of a hat, but is this really the best way?  People constantly talk about how they would love to have the "perfect body" yet continue to stuff their faces with snack and fast foods.  The simplest answer to why people continue to do this... convenience.  At 7pm after a long day of work and stress the last thing most people want to do is go home and cook a meal that takes hours to make when they could quickly stop at one of the hundreds of fast food locations on their way home.  Yet are the government and media really to blame for the nations obesity or is it simply our own fault?  In the film How to Get Fat Without Really Trying, many simple facts are stated.  Each year the government puts the most money into products that in turn become the infamous junk foods we crave.  The media spends billions on marketing foods and twice as much money on advertising to children than it did years ago.  Both the government and the media know that with the fast pace lives of almost everyone in America today who has time to cook a large meal or sit at the supermarket and examine the nutrition facts on everything they purchase.  The fact is it is simply easier to eat unhealthy, not to mention less expensive.  The American population today, including young children is more obese than ever but who is really to blame?  The big businesses who make millions by selling unhealthy foods?  The government who knows what is healthy yet provides the most support to the unhealthiest providers? Or is it really us, the ones who know and have been told what is bad yet continue to do it anyways? Smokers know that smoking is unsafe but do they stop? No. Theifs know that stealing is wrong but do they continue to steal? Of course. Drug addicts know that their addiction could possibly and probably will led to their death but do they stop? Why would they, they haven't died yet?  Just because someone says something is wrong is never and will never be enough for people to stop.  People always look for someone to blame besides themselves.  The government knows that they should put more money into healthy producers, the media knows they shouldn't be advertising to such a young audience, and yes, even we know that when we shove that twinky in our mouths there are  consequences.  Ultimately, everyone is to blame for the obesity issue that exists and continues to grow today.  However, it will take a huge and significant event for us as human beings to ever change our ways.  

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