Sunday, September 20, 2009

Is Oil like Water to People?

People need water to live, with out a doubt; but do we really need the use of oil to survive?

This question of needing oil to survive arises throughout the movie, "The End of Suburbia". People have become very dependent upon oil; what it does for us, ways we can use it, and all the other positives. What people do not think about is what it is doing to our earth, atmosphere, and civilization as a whole, as we have been using it all up over the years. We are becoming lazy because of oil. Instead of walking to get places or riding a bicycle, we hop in our cars, trucks, or hummers and drive down the block. People don't even think about it now. Forget about how much better it would be for our bodies, but think about the earth and all the pollution that we wouldn't be contributing by doing this.

Oil is used for making fuel to run everyday machines, such as automobiles, factories, etc. We as a whole have become so dependent on oil that if it were to run out, as it soon enough will, then our lives would be much different. This thought actually gives me anxiety; chest pain even. How would we get anywhere, what would happen to life as we know it today, why have we let this happen to earth?

So in a way yes, we have grown into an era that is now dependent on fuel the way people are dependent on water to live. No, we wouldn't die without fuel, but life would become much different and many changes would need to occur in the way that we live our lives.

Before starting this semester or entering the lecture hall in which we learned about this disgraceful subject of people taking advantage of our fossil fuel, I had no idea this was even a problem. I always thought life would be the same for our lifetime. We wouldn't run out of things we use everyday, such as oil, and other fossil fuels. Now I'm ashamed of what people have been doing over the years. I'm also scarred for what the future holds in store for us as we grow older. Our fuel needs to be treated as if it were going extinct, because it is. This subject needs to be made known to the public, on the news, in papers, and magazines, etc. Everyone needs to know about this!

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