Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Does it really matter??

With the age of information upon us and all the worlds data and information at our finger tips why is all this going on around us almost un-noticed? Is it the greed of mans need for wealth and power? Energy is resoponsible for everything in our world, including the gaining wealth. In general as a whole people are not willing to part with there "things" and ways of life no matter what the results will be. We will use any and all energy we can get our hands on inorder to live the way we are now so accustom to. Who is really willing to give up their lifestyle save a little energy thus conserving the planet. Deep down ask yourself will you give up your cell, IPod, gaming systems, audio systems, cars, large over sized homes, un-need amounts of clothing half of which is hardly if ever worn ,and item after item...........? So in the end does it really matter that our Earth is begging us to stop raping it, if only a tiny percentage of us is concerned with conservation and reduced consumption of energy? The info is out there, yet small efforts are being made and most of the "'Green Movement" is just lip service to keep those who are deep into the cause some what pacified. Do I have the answer no, am I total willing to go without some of my comforts I am so used, not fully so while many are like me where and how do we go from here? Who knows but its not looking to good at this juncture.

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