Thursday, December 3, 2009

"Averting the Climate Crisis"

Al Gore on averting climate crisis

Al Gore has been spreading the word on the "climate crisis" for years. He has been traveling the globe and presenting his slide show in an attempt to spread awareness of the downfall of our environment. However, when he speaks he does not speak as the former Vice President of the United States, but as a concerned citizen of the world. He wants to live in a world where it's occupants take care of the environment around them, and where we don't have to sit around wondering what will be of our children and grandchildren when our climate collapses.
One of the points he makes in the presentation in the video above is for us to cut down on our individual Carbon emissions. He refers to a website called, where you can calculate the amount of effects you as an individual have on the globe as compared to others. When I calculated my effect on the globe, but score was .85 which is far less than others. I highly recommend you calculate yours, and despite the results strive to make your score lower.
Al Gore's presentation in the video above give 15 tips of how to become more Carbon Neutral, and how to be part of the strive to make a difference in the environment. Currently, our environment is on a downward spiral, and we must do something to change that. Gore mentions in his presentation that he is personally educating people on his presentation to bring home and spread the news to others. He make a difference everyday with his speeches and public appearances, and so can we. If everyone knew the extent of what is happening to our environment to the extent that we have been taught this semester, we as a class have to ability to make a huge difference.

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