Friday, December 11, 2009


In class we discussed education and I didn't chime in because I really don't know how to explain the form of education I received as a child.When I was through with kindergarten at a public school I received a scholarship to attend a private school called Hawthorn Valley. This school is a Waldorf school, there is no way to describe what a Waldorf school is so I provided a link at the bottom for you to read on your own. When speaking to my dad about how to explain my education at this school he said "It's just a different way of teaching, you listen and interpret information differently than most students." I honestly don't think I do but maybe it is true. In this school we didn't spend time learning information that we had to regurgitate back onto a test at the middle and end of the year because there were no state tests.Everything was learned at the classes pace, also there was only one of each grade level and you had the same main teacher for all your main subjects such as history, math, language art, and so on, this allowed for in my mind a closer relationship with you classmates and your instructor. They become like your family, for the eight years I attended that school I had 23 kids in my class a few came and a few yet but there was always that set 23. I'm this school I learned a lot of things that a person who went to a public school would say were unconventional but I beg to differ. I learned to farm, raise animals,care for those animals, knit, sew, cook, hike, survive in the wilderness if need be, multiple languages from a very young age, and to expand on things that I enjoyed. In class there were a few students that said that public schools didn't allow you to expand on things that you found interesting they just got you in and out as fast as they could, that's the main difference I see in the two forms of education one let you expand and explore your options and the other placed you on a set path. I left the Waldorf school to attend a public school in high school because although the school allowed you to explore all of options I didn't feel as if it would prepare me for college and the "real world" as some might say. Even though I did leave I still believe that my years there were some of the most beneficial years of my educational career to this day. I didn't say all this in class because it took me a long time to find the words to express to the class this alternative form if education and how it is beneficial.

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