Friday, December 11, 2009

Al Gore's theory.... global warming!

Al Gore is respected by many people and has released books, "movies", and articles about global warming. Many people, for some reason still don't believe him, or just don't want to hear it. This is a real and true issue. It effects, not only every American, but every person on this earth. I didn't realize all the facts until my professor showed Gore's video in class.

During the movie An inconvenient Truth Al Gore showed pictures of what was on earth years ago, and what it is now. It is all very fascinating and scary. Al Gore states from his movie, “As important as it is to change the lights and the windows, it is far more important to change the policies, and there are many places where people can find the individual actions that can save energy, save money and reduce pollution, and yet the ultimate solution to this crisis has to come in the form of new policies, new laws and new treaties that are international in scope.”

AL Gore agrees that it is ironic that "he has, from time to time, taken to the entertainment biz to press the case — “a lot of people glean a good bit of knowledge from the humorous treatment of the news” — and he says he would “love the chance” to do a followup to “Truth,” although none is in the works.

Al Gore is a very smart, passionate man who knows what he is talking about. From watching his video I was inspired to change my ways for the better of the earth. I think he should do A follow up to "An Incovienient Truth". It would be great to see if the changes that people have made, has helped the planet at all.

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