Overpopulation; Key Word...OVER
"Overpopulation is a condition where an organism's numbers exceed the carrying capacity of its habitat. In common parlance, the term usually refers to the relationship between the human population and its environment, the Earth...Overpopulation is the world’s top environmental issue, followed closely by climate change and the need to develop renewable energy resources to replace fossil fuels, according to a survey of the faculty at the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF)." Overpopulation is quite obvious if you take a look at the world today. Not to go back on Ishmael, but Quinn's description of how humans feel they rule the world is in my opinion the reason why humans know that what we are doing is wrong, yet we keep doing it. Overpopulation has devastating affects, one of them being the fact that one in six people in the world do not have access to clean water, and two in six people don't have the opportunity to keep themselves hygienically healthy.
As we brought to discussion in my environmental science course taught by Professor John Delano, as well as our discussion, experts say that the human population is expected to grow to nine-ten billion people. We are already suffering an overpopulation crisis, and increasing population to these staggering numbers would only be comparable to digging our own graves deeper. Science Daily states that experts claim overpopulation to be the worst environmental problem in our world today. "Overpopulation is the world’s top environmental issue, followed closely by climate change and the need to develop renewable energy resources to replace fossil fuels, according to a survey of the faculty at the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF)." Already, we are living at unsustainable levels...and as we discussed, we would need three or four "Earths" worth of resources to living at sustainable levels in the world today.
However, there is hope. "Grinning planet" states that actions can be taken as a solution to overpopulation. They state that we should continue to strive to reduce suffering around the world. This can be done by preventing the spread of disease, and reducing poverty around the world. We should continue to improve our energy efficiency, and of course the quantities of materials we recycle in order to conserve energy. This whole "green movement" isn't a fad. This is actually happening, and not taking action can have severe negative affects for our future generations. Contraception or birth control is obviously a key solution for preventing population growth. Many of the solutions presented around the web and articles bring up the same topics we have discussed in class. They insist on making sure people around the world have access to family planning services. Women in developing countries deserve more power, whether it be economically or socially. As we recently discussed toward the end of the semester, the school curricula needs to be altered to fit the need to raise children in the world as it is today. Tax laws can be made to discourage couples to have more than two children.
I am trying not to leave anything out, considering I typed two complete pages on this topic right before this and my laptop randomly crashed, destroying my work. On a brighter note, organizations such as World Population Awareness are taking strides in spreading the knowledge to the people of the significance of the issue of overpopulation. Birth control is common and is usually implicated for family planning in...well, families. ""Save the world" means preventing human civilization from collapsing in a chaotic, violent way that would entail enormous amounts of suffering and death. And also preserving the natural world, so as to minimize species extinctions and the loss of wild habitat. Both are inter-related: If civilization collapses chaotically, billions of people will do an enormous amount of damage to remaining ecosystems in their desperate attempts at survival; and if nature goes first, that means civilization will go too, because we rely on ecosystem services for everything we do." In conclusion, the contraceptive concept is conceptually critical to create a well balanced earth.
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