Wednesday, December 9, 2009 ... it's a life saver!

After our class the other day, where we were introduced to the website I went on when I returned home and did a little searching for myself. What I found out terrified me. Many products I use on a day-to-day basis have active carcinogenic materials in them. At first I was in denial reading this information. Why aren't the companies of these products made to disclose on the bottles of these products what harmful substances are in them? This doesn't make any sense to me. If I worked for one of these companies I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing about these harmful materials inside these products.

Since I have figured out how to use I have made many suggestions to many of my family members and friends about what to buy and use, product wise. For my nuclear family, I am forbidding them to use anything that isn't checked by me on first. I trust this website very much and I am so glad I have found something to help guide me in the right direction for all of my future purchases. I now know that my health isn't in jeopardy from what I am using and buying on a regular basis. And what intrigues me even more is that what seems to be healthier for me, is much cheaper. It's funny that we are paying more for products with carcinogenicity in them. So basically we are paying to die.

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