Friday, December 11, 2009

Alternative Energy

Lately there has been a lot if talk in my community about solar power,two of my close friends are going to school at Hudson Valley Community College to learn how to install the panels, and learn more in depth about the solar market. One of my friends always tells me that this is going to be the new market and that it is going to make money, I agree with him to a certain extent but not fully. I believe that solar power could very well be one of the most useful forms of power the only thing that I see posing as a problem is the financial aspect. The reason why people use oil or any other form of fossil fuel as a power source is because it is not hard to obtain and it is inexpensive to use.Eventually both of those statements will be false do to the factor of peak oil that is inevitable in the long run. This is where solar power could do some good the only downside to this is the financial burden that it has. If solar power were made less expensive I believe more people that are environmentally conscious would use this form of energy for their homes and businesses, and if there was some form incentive for corporations to make the switch like tax breaks or government funding I believe they would readily make the switch too. As with most things positive reinforcement is needed to cause a change.

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