Thursday, December 10, 2009

William Cline: The Economics of Global Warming

Cline, William. The Economics of Global Warming. Washington, D.C.: Institute for International Economics, 1992.

Humans increase the amount of greenhouse gases released into the environment; however, natural factors also increase the greenhouse effect and are the cause of global warming. Global warming is continues to occur at this very moment, just like the Ice Age happened naturally overtime. But humans can decrease the amount of greenhouse gases being emitted into the environment by correcting some of their actions. If humans are not willing to correct their daily lifestyles, then they should realize how it would affect people in the future. Global warming would greatly endanger animals, humans, plant life, and the United States economy. William Cline declared:

Annual losses from sea-level rise would amount to an estimated $7 billion… Increased electricity requirements for air conditioning would amount to some $11 billion annually… Increased urban pollution with warmer weather would impose an annual cost on the order of $4 billion. An increased incidence of mortality with heat stress would amount to some $6 billion in annual losses. The lumber value of forest loss would be over $3 billion annually. Other tangible costs would arise from increased hurricane and forest fire damage, and there would be additional net infrastructure costs from increased immigration (Cline 5)

All these mortalities and amounts of money are not worth people thinking global warming is not important and not caring on what affect it will have on our children and the future of world.

In order to help save our grandchildren, we have to do our part in the world today to help for the future. As inhabitants of earth, we can walk more and drive less, or drive hybrids so there are less gases being emitted; use light bulbs that have the energy star; reduce, reuse, recycle; use water, heating, and air conditioning efficiently; plant trees and plants; and most importantly spread the news to others. These are just a few of the many solutions we can do to help slow the process of global warming. Our carbon footprints, which are the amount of carbon dioxide we produce, must be observed and decreased. If everyone in the world made a few of these changes, the world would be drastically better already.

Global warming is real, and is happening at this very moment. The fact that there are natural factors causing it, just means there is no stopping it. However, because humans are also causing these climatic changes, it can be slowed down.

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