Friday, December 11, 2009


In class we talked about trade and it's effects, we also talked about the World Trade Organization. In September of this year our president signed to keep our trade embargo up against Cuba. I found this to be a bit unsettling because I thought that he would bring about change. Now I know that he loosened a few bolts by allowing Cuban-Americans to visit relatives and send funds if needed but I feel the same way as the Cuban government feels they are just putting a nice big pretty bow on a problem that really hasn't been fixed. It is also true that Cuba has not made any efforts to change but we as a nation can not force our form of government on everybody you would think that we would have learned it by now, I know that under the Helms-Burton act we can not lift the embargo until we see some type of progress, but I don't really see that happening in the long run. This has been going on since 1962 and I think it's about time that we just leave the past in the past and move on to a future where were can except differences in government so long as they aren't detrimental is some way.

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