Sunday, December 6, 2009


Human beings as well as many other species of animals are social creatures. We work together to provide resources for ourselves and for others and sustain our lives in this way. Before agriculture we hunted together and gathered together and shared our supplies with others in the fight for survival. Since agriculture we humans have descended into a rut of greed and unfair social standing. No longer did everyone do work and share what they had for others to enjoy but some had more than others and some were more powerful. With the invention of the social classes many were told to farm while kings and their company divided the wealth amongst the people they ruled over. Monetary wealth had changed life for humans and it seems it was for the worst.
Greed and the lust for more than what you need have been contributing factors to the destruction of our planet. To make more money people destroy entire ecosystems, pollute our planet, and ruin the lives of people that serve under them. Companies outsource jobs so they can avoid workers rights and environmental protection laws just to earn a bit more money. Many people have to work these jobs because they have no other option and they are poisoned and mistreated. Our desire to "make it big", be billionaires, have the nicest objects and be better than others has had detrimental effects on the world around us.
Many of the objects we buy, whether it be sneakers or our cheap plastic stuff, is usually made by companies that destroy our planet. By becoming more community based and buying more local materials we can eliminate this harmful way of life. If we work together then we can overcome our dependence on outsourced goods and maybe we can even stop companies from doing it altogether.

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