It really strikes me that people hold such close minded beliefs about people in the society. It is understandable that situations in earlier times were seen and dealt with differently, however, I believe people always have the right to make a choice. A main problem that has been seen in society has been associated with the role that women hold within the household and outside of it. Throughout history women have been identified as the caregiver and have held full responsibility of the needs within the household. This has allowed women to great close relationships with their children and family members. However, I believe that it is unfair for women to be held responsible for all the necessities. This leads to a competitive situation where members of the family will try to dominate the household especially if they are the moneymakers.
Commitment takes respect and honesty. Without the feeling of true love and honest care- you begin to experience a double standard. We have the ability to choice what we do base on self-interest. However, we should always take into consideration how our actions will affect the ones around us. Overall, it leads to selfish behavior, which will not benefit anyone. The heart needs to be visible and people need to understand what they are receiving. Otherwise you are being blinded by the real truth and reality. Love should come from the heart and by choice. It is not something that you give in order to except a reward back for your “good deed”. Take into consideration how market economy functions. You purchase products from producers which make you believe that they care for your being and your experience with the product. However, the opposite is true. The care they have for you is faded and it is solely in their own self-interest rather than selfness motives.
People should be recognized for the goodness and care that they are capable of offering in various fields- not just within a house with 4 walls. Regardless whether women have been caregivers for a long time and that within time their specialization increases efficiency (Folbre, Page 5), she should still be given the opportunity of choice in whatever her visible heart desires.
Women need an option too. What if a woman does not have her heart set on having children? People had mindsets that are against abortion and the use of birth control. However, in my mind I believe this is unfair. Many people are not capable of sustaining a household and providing their future children with the care that they deserve. Granted, our goal is to reproduce and better our society each generation. However, each generation should have an equal opportunity to advance. Women should have the opportunity to control whether they want to bear children. The woman holds the child for nine months and is able to grow a great bond with there child-, which is an important aspect of a loving relationship. Therefore, the woman deserves to have the final say.
Also, it needs to be taken into consideration that we are not in the greatest economic situation. Our dependence on oil is causing a great depletion that is leading to a detrimental effect. If we know that the future may not be as pretty as planned, perhaps we should limit the amount of children we are having-or wait till we are ready. Time heals all wounds. Time allows for better choices. Time and support from one another will improve our perspective on the future society.
Give everyone a choice to succeed.
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