Tuesday, November 10, 2009

We Choose Our Lifestyle

Based off of Professor Kleeple's presentation I came to a realization that we choose how to live our lifestyle and that it is not always up to the government to decide it for us. I say this because Professor K showed the class a picture on how he and his family chooses to live their lives on a farm and baking bread, using solar power panels to generate some of their electric equipment, trading with nearby farmers, using produce from a local farmers market, going to a legitimate and clean slaughter house, and taking the time to walk 3 miles when he has to work by parking his car a certain distance from his job and losing four pounds. Professor K is doing his part in living a lifestyle less dependable on oil, and fossil fuels. The only thing that he can do is teach others about his own experiences and hopefully people will listen and take the initiative to do the same and become less dependent on technology and fossil fuels.
One way on how the students are contributing is by going around the campus with this petition on wanting local farmers fresh food instead of company's shipping and delivering food and sending out more carbon dioxide emissions as well as the use of fossil fuels. This is one important way in saving the economy and environment in which we live. Another example is the Barnes and Nobles bookstore that we have on campus which are allowing students to buy reusable pen cartridges instead of them throwing out pens they are able to replace the ink. Professor K also mentions if we knew how the meat and chicken that we eat are clean and properly slaughtered. No one knew the reality of how they were being cluttered in a small area and forced to eat corn in which their stomachs aren't built to eat such food and not even getting cleaned. And we all just continue to eat without hesitation. I know that people are busy all day with work or school that they don't really have the time to think about these things, I for one do not think about these problems as well but after hearing Professor K's presentation I would try to do what I can in contributing to a healthier environment. Don't forget we choose our lifestyle!

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