Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Jevon's Paradox

The "rebound effect" of Jevon's Paradox refers to the fact that an increase in the efficiency of use of a certain product results in a decrease in price of said resource. This causes a market shift because the resource is made more affordable to people who could not previously afford it. One example of this is Hybrid cars. The more energy efficient cars are made, the less gasoline needed to fuel it. The second part of this process is aimed at helping the economy. The idea behind this is that the money the consumer saves from purchasing the resource at it's lower price is eventually spent in other aspects of life, and therefore is put back into the economy. For example, music and movies are so readily available on the internet that many people may refuse to buy them. In turn, the prices are lowered and people end up buying it because the low prices are so attractive.
The "sea of selves" refers to the action taken by many people to save themselves in a declining environment and a declining economy. For example, many people may start growing crops in their backyards, stop drinking bottles water, or do many other ecologically positive things. These actions in turn help the community and the environment. This shows that if everyone does something to help themselves, they are also helping everyone around them too.
In Bailey's notion of "civic and the divine," civic refers to the moral norms as well as the social norms of the individual. The divine on the other hand refers to the realization that their is a higher power above the individual.
I believe that these essays inspired to broaden my view of the world and the people who live among us. Since I was a young girl I have been told by my parents, teachers and other authority figures that every one person can make a difference. Until I read this I never believed it to be possible. After these reading I now look at the world in a different light. Especially having this assignment due on Veterans' Day was an eye-opener. We were brought up to be patriotic and love our country, but I never thought of loving my country by being ecologically aware. By saving myself I am saving my country. We owe it to the troops who are fighting to save the country to make a difference one person at a time.

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