Monday, November 2, 2009


After reading the Muller chapters the same thought comes to my mind as it has many times since I have opened my thoughts to this topic. With all this research about whats happening to the Earth and how our consumption of Fossil fuels and life style are contributing factors, then why does it seem governments of world powers are really mandating and driving for change. In Muller's Ch. 25 he discusses all the new technologies like bio-fuel, nuclear power and the use of clean coal and its sequestering of its CO2 admissions underground. These all seem like they could help the situation. I certainly feel there is no one answer or solution to the issue but maybe a few new technologies in conjunction with major conservation (which would take huge societal changes)could really make a difference.
But it brings me back to my opening thought, is any of this real. I personally feel that if all the data out there, including what is being presented in this course is 100% real then why aren't the major governing bodies of the world enforcing changes. "Going Green" in this country is optional, and can not currently be forces on anyone. I am not saying to take away democracy or anything like that, but if this issue is really an eminent danger then why is more not being mandated through governmental legislation. After all they mandate you cant talk on a cell phone while driving which is legal under a clause that states government has authority to act in a manor to protect the people of the nation. Studies show or so we are told they show that cell phone use while driving is a direct cause of accidents that cause injury and death (funny how insurance companies who payout on accident claims also pump millions of dollars into politics any correlation between that an the law?). Well looks to me that the material on global warming, CO2 admissions etc. purposes a threat to the safety and well being of the people.
So again based on my internal metal debates I constantly wonder if it's fact or is propaganda with out the millions of dollars being pumped into politics so nothing is done or maybe its true but don't have the funds to buy out the law makers. You also don't see any huge million/billion dollar industries who make this money off fossil fuels uses doing anything major. You would think that they would try to alter their business somewhat to preserve it. And if is not fact based information then why and what are people like Muller getting out of spending their time and effort putting out this material?Unfortunately I don't feel this question will ever be answered.

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