I found this website http://wparks.myweb.uga.edu/ppt/green/tsld001.htm while looking for information and opinions on the green revolution. The website was interesting it was in the form of a slide show. Walt Parks provided the information found on this site.
Parks starts the off with, Byzantine Proverb: He who has bread has many problems He who has no bread has only one problem. Parks explains what was the green revolution as follows:
A planned international effort funded by:
Rockefeller Foundation Term coined by U.S. Agency for International Development director William Gaud (March 1968)
Movement to increase yields by using:
. New crop cultivars
. Irrigation
. Fertilizers
. Pesticides
. Mechanization
Ford Foundation
Many developing country governments
Purposed to eliminated hunger by improving crop performance
Important figure Norman Borlaug
Norman Earnest Borlaug (1914 -) is Considered father of Green Revolution he is a U.S. plant pathologist/plant breeder and Joined the Rockefeller Foundation in 1944
Assigned to the international maize and wheat improvement center (CIMMYT) in Mexico
Won the 1970 Nobel Peace Prize. He feels we are in the Aftermath because Rapid increases in yield greatly diminishing Population is still on the rise and modern practices have Caused many environmental problems also increases in the cost of production have had an impact.
Then the next bunch of slides cover the history of agriculture which we have covered early this semester although it goes a little deeper with about ancient civilizations and technologies and there advancement. After the history lesson three reasons for the need of a green revolution are state, they are More urban people, Population increasing rapidly, Food production not keeping pace. Thomas Malthus' Population Predictions from his “Essay on the Principle of Population” he states"
Population increases geometrically
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
Food supply increases arithmetically
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
Malthus predictions where not accurate because he failed to consider Birth control
Technological advances and The Green Revolution.
I believe the site is trying to link the fact that population is a driving factory in the success and failure of the green revolution. It says that in the 30 years of the green revolution has had some failures such as not eliminating famine, Population still increasing, Increased cost of production, An increased negative environmental impact and the green revolution has not worked for everyone.
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