Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Ocean

Planet Earth is covered with ecosystems of all sorts. Perhaps the most interesting and least known about ecosystem are under water in the Oceans of Earth. This ecosystem is also very important. If the ocean ecosystem were to collapse, we will see more effects of global warming because the ocean absorbs carbon.
Many people believe we should put limits and regulations on fishing because, in essence, it is the same practice as hunting. For instance, there should be size regulations so baby fish cannot get killed before they have a chance to reproduce. Also, there should be high prices on fishing permits so it limits the number of fishermen on the seas and oceans. This will also benefit the economy because each permitted fisherman is making more money to circulate in the economy.
However, if limits on fishing were put into effect the economy would be even worse than it is now. Fishermen would lose their jobs and we will have to depend more heavily on crops, which we do not have the land or energy efficiency for.
As discussed, there are many benefits and many down-sides to regulating fishing. In my opinion regulations should be put into effect because the ocean's ecosystem is on a slow decline, and the globe and environment cannot afford it.

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