Sunday, November 29, 2009

Art for the World

I watched a video on Youtube that made me realize just how many ways there are to make a difference. I like to consider myself an artist. My medium is the stage. We were challenged to think of ways to save the world, and the task felt daunting. How can I change the world? I'm just an actress. Sure, I can do what we can all do; consume locally, limit my energy consumption etc etc, but what about truly making an impact by making people think? I try to do that every time I set foot on a stage but the effect can only be so big. I'm still working on finding a way to make an impact from the stage.

One of the most effective artistic mediums in the effort against global warming may be photography. There is something incredibly powerful about an image. "A picture is worth a thousand words" can't quite describe the effect an image can have on a person.

Paul Nicklen is a photographer for National Geographic. One of the most beautiful pictures he's taken is of a polar bear swimming in the cold waters of the arctic

I love that this image raises the question: Can we "stand to live in a world without Polar Bears?"

Jeff Jacobson is another photographer that has used his art to raise awareness about environmental issues. One of the stories on his website titled California Environmental Landscapes, is a beautiful collection of how modern technology and nature co-exist. At least that is what I have gathered from it.

There are many more photographs on his website that raise environmental awareness. I encourage everyone to take a look at them and see what they take from them.
What comes to mind when you see these images?

I welcome all of your responses.

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