Our nation has transformed our concern of production in two patterns. We have advanced our food production techniques in various ways. In terms of tool usage, we have transformed from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to slash and burn methods in order to increase land usage. However, overtime our land had become depleted. Though, through technological advancement we have been able to use methods with fertilizers, insecticides and legumes and the process of recycling. These forms have allowed us to increase our production. Although once the Haber Bosch process emerged and the idea of Green Revolution our usage of cheap energy increased drastically. These methods of machinery and more affordable techniques transformed us into a dependant country. As Berry Autumn believes that new knowledge would come from experience and that it must much better than just being given tons of information on a topic. We just are able to look at history and experience changes in order to project the future.
Overall, our concentration has merged from the idea of production and effectiveness to the impacts of production. Although efficiency can increase our production, we must understand the consequences that we are putting ourselves against. As population expands and demands increase, we lose the time and efforts to be concerned about the impact of our products. Yet, as we grow older and form families we grow more concerned about the products that we are purchasing for our families. We begin to wonder what is being put into our food and various resources. As a dependant nation, we are consistently consuming products from several different countries but we are blinded by what may occur in the factories outside of the United States. Yet, we need to stop and think about the changes that we can make as a society to grow awareness of our own understanding.
From the beginning as primates we have grown to adapt to our surrounding and are influenced by our surroundings. We continue to purchase products, which are greatly advertised because we believe that these are the best products for us. Yet, more products are being produced from different countries leading to an increase in oil usage and therefore a higher price in food demand. But how can we break this social norm of benefiting every nation besides our own? We have committed ourselves to lifestyles based on moral actions and have lessened our care for health and global concerns (Pinker). We continue to follow the Machiavelli quality approach where we as inhabitants have grown the ability to manipulate each other based on production. We follow social norms and we follow the “proper path”
Consider “Get Fat Without Trying”, this movie allows us to grasp an understanding on what determines the food choices we make. We have grown to be a nation, which relies on food that is drenched in corn fructose syrup- BECAUSE IT IS CHEAPER. We cannot always rely on healthier options because it is too expensive. As a nation with the top five percent only being able to afford local and organic goods, we get pushed into a corner without choices to make. But, the question is how can we stop advertisements and new label on products from persuading us to make choices on what we buy? How can we break the habit of purchasing items because we “seem to work fine last time”? It makes it very difficult to fathom this since the government permits the usage of advertisement to make us consume products which will benefit our country but will not benefit the people.
We are subsidizing corn farms and using cheap methods to feed animals with corn products in order to make them grow to that more meat can be sold. We are feeding our innocent animals with anti-biotic to further the process of filling selves at the local Wal-Mart. Perhaps we should grow accustomed to purchasing products which are in season. Rather then searching and traveling long distances to get the products that we want, we should only consume seasonal local products. We should allow the government to take part in public health and influence the choices we make for the better, and not for worse. We should stop the encouragement of processed foods- because our trend in obesity will not end.
Where is our concern leading us today? Today we are worried about green house causes and the effect of climate change. We are worried about the level of carbon dioxide emissions and where we will stand as a nation. Overall, the United States is leaving an ecological footprint that will never be reversed if we do not call for a change.
Good guide has many pros yet some cons. The beta system allows us to get information and resources, which we are deprived off. When we purchase an item, we can look at the label for various nutritional facts, place of origin and perhaps fancy approachable labels. Yet, this is what our society has become. We approach a label that we are accustomed to. We have grown to believe that the product which has allows suited our needs will be okay for the future. However, when a new “green” product hits the shelves with a label that states “green and re-usable”, we alter our desires. Good guide will allow consumers to understand what they are buying.
As a fast paced nation we are accustomed to walking down the supermarket aisle and purchasing what seems familiar. Although I believe good guide has very good motives, I have a fear that it may contribute to a domino effect. If minute information is released about every product on the shelves, whether it is good or bad, it might also take away from businesses. People will finally see what companies are slowly degrading their environment by the habits they practice. It will greater more focus of companies which are committed to environmental safety. And as consumers, we quickly recognize change in products. Therefore, I believe it will allow us to omit consumerism in the wrong places.
“ The mindfulness of a shopper marks a shift in mental functioning from running on automatic, going through long practice routines to an active awareness that allows new learning and therefore a new choice”. As people, we have the ability to create direct every day routine, where we do not think before doing because are accustomed to our lifestyle. But, if we are able to recognize the changes, we will alter our preference and will be more likely to buy “better products”.
The information that we will be provided will allow us to have a better understand on what environmental and ecological footprint these products left. It will also allow for consumers to give their direct input to various companies around the world, so that these companies can better themselves based on consumer’s preferences. Take for example Nike, which was so blinded that their factories were in perfect conditions. However, when legitimate information was brought upon them, they finally realized that their companies were far from perfect.
And even though Good Guide does not provide information for all products and may have gaps in some of their information, it is still a start. Everything that we produce is interconnected and has a start but it seems as if there is never an end. All techniques start with a beginning and rely on further advances and finding for improvement. Therefore, my belief is that Good Guide will be able to expand him or her and will create awareness that each and every single consumer needs to be provided with.
Perhaps if we stopped consuming everything that is thousands of miles away, we could limit our concern on our ecological footprint. But will our country ever stop? Will we ever fully promote local?
-Goleman- Ecological Intelligence Chapter 5-7
-Partys Over- Chapter 3
-Get Fat Without Trying Movie
-November 16th, 2009 Professor Hirsch Lecture
- Pinker Moral Article
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