Thursday, November 19, 2009

More Kids, More Problems

We know from class discussions that we are facing an energy crisis due to hit its climax in the very near future. Oil is Earth's most major energy source, and it is running out quickly. We use oil for everything; means of production for just about everything you can think of. Perhaps most importantly, oil is essential in the production of nitrogen based fertilizer which is deemed globally as the fastest and most efficient way to grow crops. As peak oil nears and oil becomes more and more limited, we are going to have to cut down on oil use. This involves everything from car fuel to oil powered factory machinery. Even more scary to think about, the global population never seems to decrease or, for that matter, remain stagnant. Population continues to grow despite the issues we are having as a globe.
As the production of synthetic nitrogen-based fertilizer decreases and the population increases, the availability of food will greatly decrease.
This problem is unavoidable unless we discover another way to grow crops as quickly and efficiently as synthetic nitrogen-based fertilizer has done. In some poor nation across the globe, there have already been reported food shortages. If the food supply diminished as population grows, there will be more and more people starving. If indeed the production of synthetic nitrogen-based fertilizer decreases as the oil crisis moves closer, the entire world will be effected. It may not impact some of the more wealthy nations as hard as it does the poorer nation, but it will inevitably affect everyone in one way or another.
This problem, though major cause for concern, is not irreversible. We need to brace ourselves for perhaps the most drastic lifestyle change in history. We were brought up relying on what we will no longer have in just a few short decades. Help yourself, to help others, to save our planet and our species. I'm not saying it's going to be easy. Frankly, it's going to be a huge pain in the ass for everyone! The way we live and the way we look at the world needs to be completely turned upside down. We need to work to save ourselves, to save our environment, and to ensure that future generations have proper means of survival.

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