It seems like everywhere I look now I see things about conserving energy, or “going green”. There are tons of commercials on TV, local stores are going green, household cleaning products are now using “green” ingredients, and even clothing have slogans like “green is the new black” printed on them. Even all over the campus there are signs printed on the trashcans “UAlbany goes green!”, almost all the paper towel dispensers have been switched to dryers, and on almost all the coke machines there’s something about recycling.
It makes me wonder if change is really possible. Even with all these signs on almost everything we see and use, little change to conserve and save the environment has occurred. Sure there are hundreds of groups and organizations out there trying to make something happen, but without everyone’s help it seems very difficult.
I think the video we watched in class on Cuba is a perfect example of how everyone needs to start to work together. They knew that if everyone didn’t contribute their society really would come to a complete end. If only one person decides that they want to make a change, that’s great for the individual but not for the good of the community.
What more will it really take for us to realize that we need to make a change or we could end up just like Cuba did or even worse? How many more posters and signs will it take for people to pay attention? Or will we just continue to ignore the facts and face the same crisis Cuba faced. It never fails to amaze me how people are able to just pretend every things okay just for their momentary happiness. We have all the technology and the sources, now all we have to do is really begin to make a change....
and stop ignoring the facts.
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